Note: The images in the book are not of scholarship recipients. Family identities are kept confidential.

“My daughter had a rough time coming out of COVID, and we hoped in spring last year that she would find her people by exposing her to theater productions. Even though we live in north Phoenix, my husband  and I decided to make the trip to see if theater would help bring her out of her shell. Flash forward to a full season of productions as well as summer camp in 2022-2023, and [she] has completely blossomed… It seems that every time I pick her up from a rehearsal, she’s internalized some small new lesson that helps in other aspects of her life – whether it be building confidence, public speaking, developing vocal and dance skills, helping younger kids get dressed, or just having fun.”

“Theater has been life-changing for my daughter. Just a few weeks ago, my husband was struck with some devastating mental health struggles. He was hospitalized for almost a month and will not be back to work for a while… When I asked Temple Music for a little more time to (to pay summer camp tuition), a small miracle came our way. The “Sabrina’s Gift” scholarship was quite literally a lifeboat thrown to me. I’ve been doing my best to keep our little family boat afloat while my husband struggles with his mental health, but my daughter is the family “heart” – and no matter how I try to put on a brave face, she worries and worries. Attending camp created a little bubble where she could just be free and imaginative and forget her troubles. We are so grateful for Sabrina Conforti’s gift to us. It’s amazing that such a bright light of a girl made it possible for us to give our bright girl a summer that might otherwise have been small and stressful. Instead, she’s thriving. Our gratitude truly knows no bounds.”

“After the first day (of theater camp), my daughter was hooked. I could see her natural and exuberant joy as she excitedly reported all the details of her day.  The next day, she got into the car and talked about "blocking" the scenes and dropped all sorts of theater lingo into conversation as though she had been an actress in show business for years. She is warmly greeted by everyone at Temple, her peers, older children, the staff and directors, and they make her feel so valued and adored.  As her mom, I am happy to see that she has found her place.  Thank you for supporting our little girl, and bringing out the best in her.  She (or we) will never forget this experience! We are ever so grateful!”

“We took our son to see the Lion King Jr play. As soon as he saw it, he knew he had to be in the next production. I did not have the heart to tell him that funds (for the production fee) were too tight at the time. We are so grateful for the scholarship and this experience he has had. He came home with so many wonderful stories and seeing him go from “Mommy, I am nervous” to singing and dancing on stage confidently in such little time was astonishing.”

“I feel blessed that we found you. Thank you for caring for our little ones. Soon we will be able to join your donors in providing scholarships. The “Sabrina’s Gift” scholarship helped us during such a difficult time for our family. Just a blessing. Many, many thanks and love.”